Four types of cell culture,namely,HEP-2,HeLa,human embryo lung fibroblast and chicken embryo fibroblast were infected with 4 st- rains of herpes simplex virus,i.e.CC21,F,W,and G,the formal 2 of type 1 and W and G of type 2.The SDS-PAGE maps showed dif- ference between the maps form at 4h after infection and that at twenty four hours after virus infection,the electrophoresis maps showed a dif- ference between infected and uninfected cells.In the chicken embryo fi- broblast culture,there were difference betwe...
40 cases including chronic hepatitis B(30cases)and viral carriers(10 cases)were treated with interferon 32,ooo iu im,q.o.d,in a period of six months.The geometric average of HBsAg titer fall from 1:100.4 to 1:17.2 at the sixth months(P<0.001).21 of them(52、5%)became negat- ive.After six months 13 of 20 HBeAg positive cases turned into negative, anti-HBe appeared in 11 cases.With the four HBcAg positive cases,two of them became negative.DNAP were negative in 88.9% cases.73.1% pati- ents are negative for H...
HBcAg is the constructional protein antigen of core component of HBV.It s presence in peripheral blood has been used as an important mar? ker of replication of HBV.We had studied the detection of HBcAg in 94 HBsAg positive cases of viral hepatitis with the methods of RIA and ELISA,and compared with the survey of HBeAg,anti-HBc and HBV- DNAp.HBcAg was found to be positive in sera of 28 cases(29.8%).The results suggested that the determination of HBcAg with the method of ELISA and RIA is comparatively sensiti...
3 strains of epidemic hemorrhagic fever(EHF)virus from lung tissues of Apodemus agrarius and Rattus norvegicus and blood of patient with EHF were inoculated in primary cell culture of Meriones unguiculatus lung and kidney tissues.In the first passage,a good multiplicaton was observed and TCID 50/ml of the primary cell culture of kidney tissues were 10~(6?0) (for R_3 strain)and 10~(6?5)(for B_5 strain).After passage 3,on the 2nd day after inoculation,specific immunofluorescence to EHF virus antigen was detec...
In this paper the morphology of NPV isolated from des- cribed and the map of A.a.NPV-DNA extracted in a simple method is obtained through restriction endonuclease digest such as EcoRI,BglⅠ, BglⅡ,BamHI,HindⅢ,and double digest BglⅠ+BglⅡ,BamHI+EcoRI.By using relationship between the different size of λ-DNA cleaved by EcoRI and it s mobility in 1% agarose electrophosis,standard curve of molec- ular weight is made.The molecular weight of each A.a.NPV-DNA fragments generated by restriction endonucleas...
Fourteen isolates of Tobacco Mosiac Virus(TMV)were collected from 9 different regions of China.They were multiplied under isolating con- ditions and purified and measured by the same method.The concentra- tion series were started from 20μg/ml and then were diluted into nine dilutions from 10~(-1).10~(-2)…to 10~(-9)(contrasted with healthy host).Each was reacted individually with 10 TMV monoclonal antibodies of optimal dilution(selected through detecting titers)in ELISA(contrasted with poly- clonal antibody ...
Two serotype A temperate phages were isolated from staphylococcus aureus strain 120.One of them has the capacity of lysogenic conversion for production of staphylokinase,it has not been reported previously.