Virologica Sinica has switched to an open access (OA) journal since 2022, for a faster publishing, greater visibility, and wider connection. That means from 2022 each article in Virologica Sinica is published open access, and the article is universally and freely accessible via the internet in perpetuity, in an easily readable format immediately after publication.
Article publishing charge (APC)
Open access incurs an article publishing charge (APC) which needs to be paid by the authors or on their behalf e.g. by their research funder or institution. The APC fee is CNY ¥9000 (or USD $1500, or EUR €1300), plus VAT for the submissions since 1st January 2022.
Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to complete a License Agreement (see more information on this). Virologica Sinica adopts the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND) license which permits limited re-use of the article for non-commercial purposes. The full details of the license are available at:
Author rights
Authors will retain copyright alongside scholarly usage rights. As an author, you (your employer or institution) have certain rights to reuse your work.
Paper offprints will be offered and mailed to corresponding authors once the issue is compiled and published.
Hard Copy of journal issues
All back issues prior to 2022 can be ordered, and please contact the editorial office for further information.
Electronic edition
An electronic version of each article is available at or ScienceDirect.
Archives of the journal from 2007-2021 can also be found online on Springer.
Contact the Editorial Office
Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
No.44, Xiao Hong Shan, Wuhan 430071, China
Phone: +86-27-87199157
Fax: +86-27-87199157