DHBV in duck serum is assayed by α-~(32)P-DHBV DNA probe hybridization. It is found that the rate of DHBV viremia in hybrid from Beijing duck and Cherry valley duck was 5.1%, whereas in Gauyou local ducks was32.7-58.8%.Positive sera are confirmed by EM. The virion of DHBV is characterized. Ducks are divided into four groups. The rate of DHBV viremia in tile ducklings hatched from different groups is detected, Group 1 (F~-,M~-) is 0%, Group 2(F~+, M~+)100%, Group 3(F~-, M~+)28%, and Group 4(F~+, M~-)100%. By...
In this paper, we studied the infeetivity of Coxsackie B_2 Virus(Cox B_2 V) on human and rat myocardial cells (HMC and RMC) and the effect of chromium chloride(CrCl_3) on growth heart cells and infectivity of the virus. Results indicated that HMC is more sensitive to the virus than RMC. Crcl_3 could promote the grawth and pulsation of HMC and RMC. LDH studies of the cuhure cells revealed that: 1. In cultured RMC treated with CrCl_3, lactodehydrogenase (LDH) increased with the time of incubation. 2. ...
During 1986-1987, two times of sporadic diarrhea in BALB/c suckling mice and an outbreak of diarrhea in BALB/c and NIH were studied in our breeding farm. The pathogenic agent was identified to be murine rotavirus (MRV) by means of EM, PAGE, infant mice inoculation and ABC antigen location in small intestine. The size of MRV and the RNA migration in PAGE were different from EHP, EW and EB of MRVo There were 7 strains of mice showing positive antibody against MRV without clinic symptom and sign except BALA/...
Synthesized antisense oligodeoxynucleotides, including modified and unmodified, homo- and hetero-forms, were tested for their ability to inhibit mouse SRS virus-induced cellular multiplication, the formations of colonies of SRSV-infected cells and XC syneytia and RT activity. All oligomers were found to be active. Preminary studies of acute toxicity in mice showed that his compound to be nontoxic at high levels It is suggested that different classes of oligonucleotides may inhibit virus replication by diffe...
Human cytomegaiovirus(HCMV)DNA in clinical blood and urine specimens of 27 infant patients infected with hepatitis were detected by DNA-DNA dot blot hybridization using ~(32)P and biotin labeled cloned HCMV AD169 DNA fragment. The hybridization results of blood and urine specimens were compared 16 of 27 blood specimens were pesitive(59%). Of 27 urine specimens, 9 were positive (33%). The preliminary results indicate that the positive rate of HCMV DNA in blood specimens is 26% higher than that in urine speci...
The status of livers and white blood cells in peripheral blood after infected with hepatitis B virus were studied by Southern blot technique. The positive rate was 44% in white blood cells and 46% in the livers, respectively. There was no significant different beween them. According to speed of agarose gel electrophoresis, DNA fragments of virus can be divided into three types, namely free, integrated and mixed types. There was atso no significance. These results suggested that white blood cells were target...
The polyhedrin gene of Prodenia lituea nuclear polyhedrosis virus(PlNPV) was mapped on the PlNPV DNA HindⅢ-A fragment by Southern-blot hybridization with the AcNPV DNA EeoRI-Ⅰ fragment as probe under 35℃ hybridization conditions. Then, two probes were prepared from PINPV DNA HindⅢ-A and PINPV DNA HindⅢ-C fragments respectively for the identification of PINPV DNA, MbNPV DNA, BsNPV DNA under different hybridization conditions. The results showed that the probe containing the polyhedrin gene was more extensive...
Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV), potato virus M(PVM) and oat mosaic virus (OMV)were rapidly detected in infected leaf extracts using immunosorbent electron microscopy. The suitable dilution and time for coating the three antisera in carbon coated grids were 1000 and 1h at room temperature. The suitable trapping time for BYMV, PVM and OMV were 2,2 and 8h respectively at 4℃. The detective sensitivities in leaf saps were 4000 dilutions for PVM and OMV, and a few virus particles could still be seen at the dilut...
In present paper, some biophysical and biochemical characteristies of the nucleic acid in the original strain of the Rabbit Hemerrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV)-A_2R-3(separeted from Wuxi, China. 1984) have been studied. By using Feulgen assay, Diphenylamine reaction test and nucleate digestion sensitivity test, we demonstrated that the nucleic acid of the RHDV was DNA form. Staining with acridine orange, reaction with diluted formaldehyde, digestion with nuclease Sl and determination of the thermal denatur...
The presence of any pathogenic viruses in tap water has always been considered a potential public health concern. This study reports the presence levels of viruses and indicator bacteria in the water body of East Lake and treated tap water. During a year s work,indicator bacteria and viral analysis were performed on each sample, we found that total plate count is 2×10~3—6.8×10~8/L, total coliforms is 130—5.5×10~4/L,fecal eoliforms is 10—960/L, coliphage is 0.35—65CFU/L, average is 26.48CFU/L, enteroviruses ...
This paper presents a new technique for nucleic acid electron microscopy, i.e, a technique using electrostatic field to cause electrophoretic motion. With water as mediam, the negatively charged nucleic acid molecules will move along the direction of an electrostatic field of electrode distance 12mm and voltage IKV. After under the action of this static field for 5 minutes, on the surface of drop, appear natural distributions of two dimensional structure of linear or ring shape. Compared with the routine te...
Aspartyl-Prolyl bonds in proteins could be selectively hydrolyzed with 75% formic aeid. The in situ aeidie cleavage procedure based on acid lability of Asp-Pro bonds is very important in sequence analysis of proteins and comparative studies of related or similar proteins, Limited cleavage of polyhedrin and virion 31k polypeptide which have the same molecalar weights in SDS-PAGE of Buzura suppresaria nuclear polyhedrosis virus by above method produced 4 and 8 bands, respectively. The results suggest that the...
This paper reports the experimental studies on propagation of HAV in the human mononuclear leukocytes in vitro. The mononuelear leukocytes were separated from the peripheral blood of health person and the umbilical blood of fetus using Ficoll-Hypaque technique. The NJ-3 strain of HAV was inoclated into the adherent cells in culture flask and the suspensions of mononuclear leukocytes. After incubation the cultures were examined by indirect IF technique. It was found that both the adherent and nonadherent mon...