The effects of Chineee herbal metdicines(Ophiopogon japonieus,Astragalus membranaceus)and a traceelement(chromium)on the growth metabolism and the anti-Virus titer in cultured human and mousemyocardial cells were studied.The resul ts showed that these drugs and chromium could remarkably en-hance growth metaboism and anti-virus effects,also prolongate the survival time of these cells,and increase spontaneous contraction of mouse myocardial cells.
DS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blot analysis were carried out on the components of circulating immune complex(CIC) in sera of patients with epidemic hemorrhagic fever(EHF).After separtion in SDS-PAGE,the cumponents of CIC were stained with coomassie brilliantblue showing mainly 7 bands with appwrant molecular weight about 23kD,50kD,52kD,65kD,72kD,80kD and 100kD,respoctively.EHF virus antigens,human lg and the component of complement couldbe detected in the CIC using the speci fic antibod...
sensitive ELISA for detection of antibodies against hepatitis E virus(anti-HEV)was established,based on three synthetic peptides from open readin franmes ORF1,ORF2 and ORF3 of the HEVgenome.sera were tested for anti-HEV with our ELISA,One hundred and tWo(97.1%)out of 105sera from patients with enterically transmitted non-A non-B hepatitis E in Chil1a,Burma,India and former USSR were tested positive.A total of 99 sera from normal individuals in Beijing were tested negative.sera from experimentally infected c...
The NS1 genomic region of the hepatitis C virus(HCV),derived from the serum of a patient withchronic NANB hepetitis in Guangdong province,was cloned and sequenced.HCV RNA extracted bythe powder-adsorption procedure was converted to cDNA by everse transcription with random primer.Polymerase chain reaction was performed with the primers which span the NS1 region,The amplifiedproducts were separated by electrophoresis on a low melting-point agarose gel and a portion of gel,cor-respondlng to the expected size,w...
The BHK_21 cells infected with Beijing strain of fixed rabies virus were studied by electron mlcroscopy,The rod-like,bullet,round and oval viruses within the cytoplasm,mostly Iocated in the var-ious cisterna of rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum and usually associated with homogeneous material masses.The virus may bud from their membranes towards the cisterna,protrude from the cellmembranes or dissociate in extracellular spaces.It was also found that viral formation and growth alsooccured in the nucl eus...
probe(19 oligonucleotides)for JEV corresponding to the sequence from 11 to 29 nt of the 3 end of Japanese encephalitis virus genomic RNA was designed and syn thesized with ABI 381A DNAsynthesizer,The oligonucleotide probe was labeled with[α-(32)p]using the Klenow fragment.Thespecific radioactivity of the probe is 8.10-8.86x107cpm/μgDNA.Hybridization with this probeshowed that lpg of target DNA,or the viruses harvested from the C6/36 cell culture at 6-12 hoursafter infection with JEV,Could be detected.
The HCV C_(33c) antigen and HBxAg were detected with monoclonal antibod ies against C_(33C) and Poly-clonal antibedies agalnst HBxAg by immunohistochemical techniquee in 86 paraffin-embeded sectionsof liver cirrhositic tissues,The rate of the HCV C_(33c) antigen and HBxAg positive was 76.7%(66/86)anct 62.8%(54/86)respectively.The rate of either the HCV C_(33c) or HBxAg positive was 88.4%(76/86).The rate of both the HCV C_(33C) and HBxAg positive was 51.2%(44/86).The HCV C_(33c) antigenwas clearly stained in ...
In antigen capture ELISA in which HCV peptides NS4 CP1 and CP2 derived from Hcv NS4and core gene region,respectively,were used as solid-phase antigens was developed to detect the differences in light chain isotype expresslion of anti-HCV antibodies. Antibodies in 65 sera of HCV infectedprofessional blood donors against HCV NS4,CP1 and CP2 were characterized by a skewed light chainisotype expression. Sixty-three out of the 65 donors(96.9%)showed at least one of the three anti-HCV antibodies skewed from the no...
ymantria xylina Swinhoe nuclear polyhedrcais virus (LxNPV)is a kind of multi-embeded baculovirus. Scanning electron microscope(SEM)showed that the LxNPV inclusion bodies were irregularpolyhedra with different sizes.The average diameter of the polyhedra was 1.40μm.A lot of rod-shapedvirions which had a mean size of 394×56nm were released from polyhedra when they were decomposed by alkali. The virus genome was a circular DNA macromolecule with lensth of 38.0μm.SDS-PAGE showed that polyhetlrin had only one ma...
The present paper reported the effects of the ineeulum concentration of protecting strain and challenge strain,position of challange inoculation on the effectiveness of PRV mild strain cross-protection.Some technical aspocts in developing and implementing a cross protection program were suggestedbased on the exporimental results.Furthermore,it was found that the breakdown of cross-protection,asdefined by the appearance of symptoms caused by the severe strains,was related to the increase in virusconcentratio...
ovine viral diarrhea virus(BVDV)InL genomic RNA was used as a template to synthesizeDNA by reverse transcriptase.The ds cDNA was synthesized by RNase H-DNA polymerase,and waslsetrted into the Pst I site of the pUC8 vector by dC-dG homopolymeric tailing and ligation.After beig transformed to E.coli JM101,the recombinants were screened by in situ hybridization with γ- ̄(32)P-ATP labeled purified BVDV RNA,Restrict ion enzyme ana lysis sho wed that the largest cDNA insertwas 12kb-13kb,it almust covered the BVDV...
The immunogenicity of the 11 polypeptides of GCHV873 were commnd by using neutralizationtest for the determination of the major protective antigen.The viral polypeptides labelled with FITCwere analyzed on a 10%polyacrylamide gel.The individual polypeptides were retrieved from the gelby electric elution,and were used for immunizing rabbits to prepare antisera.Each anti-polypeptide antiserum was titrated in a neutralization test.The neutralization titres of the andsera indicated that theneutralizing activity o...
poly(A)tRNAs enriched with rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus(RHDV)proteins were isolatedfrom RHDV-infected rabbit liver tissue by polysome immunoprecipitation and purified by oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography.The purified poly(A)tRNA was identified through denatural agarose elec-trophoresis Six single narrow bands,5.01,3.62,2.40,1.82,1.22 and 0.95 kb respectively,were vi-sualized.The in vitro translation products of viral mRNAs have been demonstrated by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting analysis,proteins with molecular weight of 64,59,54,51,29,24 and 20kD wereshown RHDV-specific.
Poly(A) ̄+RNAs enriched with rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus(RHDV)proteins were isolatedfrom RHDV-infected rabbit liver tissue by polysome immunoprecipitation and purified by oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography.The purified poly(A) ̄+RNA was identified through denatural agarose elec-trophoresis Six single narrow bands,5.01,3.62,2.40,1.82,1.22 and 0.95 kb respectively,were vi-sualized.The in vitro translation products of viral mRNAs have been demonstrated by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting analysis,proteins with ...
Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus(RHDV)was purified from infected liver by freezing and thawing,chloroform extraction,PEG 6 000 precipitation and Sepharose-4B chromatography.Six polypeptides ,with the molecular weights of 64.5kD,61.4kD, 57.3kD,54.0kD.29.2kD and 28.1kD weredetermined by immuno blotting to be viral structural polypeptides.The major strucrural polypeptide(64.5kD),purified electrophoretically was analysed by hydrochloricacid lysis and fourteen kinds ofamino acids were found,of which,the base,ne...