Citation: Wei Yang, Chen Zhang, Yan-Hua Wu, Li-Bo Liu, Zi-Da Zhen, Dong-Ying Fan, Zheng-Ran Song, Jia-Tong Chang, Pei-Gang Wang, Jing An. Mice 3D testicular organoid system as a novel tool to study Zika virus pathogenesis .VIROLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 38(1) : 66-74.

Mice 3D testicular organoid system as a novel tool to study Zika virus pathogenesis

  • Zika virus (ZIKV) poses a serious threat to global public health due to its close relationship with neurological and male reproductive damage. However, deficiency of human testicular samples hinders the in-depth research on ZIKV-induced male reproductive system injury. Organoids are relatively simple in vitro models, which could mimic the pathological changes of corresponding organs. In this study, we constructed a 3D testicular organoid model using primary testicular cells from adult BALB/c mice. Similar to the testis, this organoid system has a blood-testis barrier (BTB)-like structure and could synthesize testosterone. ZIKV tropism of testicular cells and ZIKV-induced pathological changes in testicular organoid was also similar to that in mammalian testis. Therefore, our results provide a simple and reproducible in vitro testicular model for the investigations of ZIKV-induced testicular injury.

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    Mice 3D testicular organoid system as a novel tool to study Zika virus pathogenesis

      Corresponding author: Pei-Gang Wang,
      Corresponding author: Jing An,,
    • a. Department of Microbiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100069, China;
    • b. Department of Neurosurgery, Capital Medical University Sanbo Brain Hospital, Beijing, 100093, China;
    • c. Center of Epilepsy, Beijing Institute for Brain Disorders, Beijing, 100093, China

    Abstract: Zika virus (ZIKV) poses a serious threat to global public health due to its close relationship with neurological and male reproductive damage. However, deficiency of human testicular samples hinders the in-depth research on ZIKV-induced male reproductive system injury. Organoids are relatively simple in vitro models, which could mimic the pathological changes of corresponding organs. In this study, we constructed a 3D testicular organoid model using primary testicular cells from adult BALB/c mice. Similar to the testis, this organoid system has a blood-testis barrier (BTB)-like structure and could synthesize testosterone. ZIKV tropism of testicular cells and ZIKV-induced pathological changes in testicular organoid was also similar to that in mammalian testis. Therefore, our results provide a simple and reproducible in vitro testicular model for the investigations of ZIKV-induced testicular injury.

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