Ning Shi, Xiangshu Qiu, Xinyu Cao, Zhanhai Mai, Xiangyu Zhu, Nan Li, He Zhang, Jinyong Zhang, Zhuoxin Li, Nuerlan Shaya, Huijun Lu and Ningyi Jin. Molecular and serological surveillance of Getah virus in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, 2017–2020[J]. Virologica Sinica, 2022, 37(2): 229-237. doi: 10.1016/j.virs.2022.02.004
Citation: Ning Shi, Xiangshu Qiu, Xinyu Cao, Zhanhai Mai, Xiangyu Zhu, Nan Li, He Zhang, Jinyong Zhang, Zhuoxin Li, Nuerlan Shaya, Huijun Lu, Ningyi Jin. Molecular and serological surveillance of Getah virus in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, 2017–2020 .VIROLOGICA SINICA, 2022, 37(2) : 229-237.


  • 盖塔病毒(GETV)是一种蚊子传播的RNA病毒,广泛分布于大洋洲和亚洲。GETV不仅对马、猪、牛、狐狸和野猪具有致病性,还可导致人类发热。自2017年中国大陆首次报告病例以来,受GETV影响的省份数量已增至17个。因此,我们在2017-2020年间对中国西北部的新疆地区进行了GETV流行病学调查。Elisa用于分析从纯种马、本地马、绵羊、山羊、牛和猪采集的3299份血清样本,其中纯种马(74.8%)、本地马(67.3%)、山羊(11.7%)、绵羊(10.0%)、牛(25.1%)和猪(51.1%)抗GETV抗体呈阳性。有趣的是,马的中和抗体滴度远高于其他物种。根据RT-PCR,四份来自马和猪的样本对GETV呈阳性。此外,我们从一匹本地马的血清中分离出GETV菌株XJ-2019-07,并测定其完整基因组序列。从系统发育关系来看,它属于第三组谱系。这是在新疆首次发现与家畜相关的GETV证据。总的来说,GETV在新疆很流行,可能已经流行了好几年了。由于中国没有针对GETV的疫苗,因此应改进马和猪的检测和监测策略,尤其是进口和养殖的马和猪,以防止经济损失。

Molecular and serological surveillance of Getah virus in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, 2017–2020

  • The Getah virus (GETV), a mosquito-borne RNA virus, is widely distributed in Oceania and Asia. GETV is not the only pathogenic to horses, pigs, cattle, foxes and boars, but it can also cause fever in humans. Since its first reported case in Chinese mainland in 2017, the number of GETV-affected provinces has increased to seventeen till now. Therefore, we performed an epidemiologic investigation of GETV in the Xinjiang region, located in northwestern China, during the period of 2017-2020. ELISA was used to analyze 3299 serum samples collected from thoroughbred horse, local horse, sheep, goat, cattle, and pigs, with thoroughbred horse (74.8%), local horse (67.3%), goat (11.7%), sheep (10.0%), cattle (25.1%) and pigs (51.1%) being positive for anti-GETV antibodies. Interestingly, the neutralizing antibody titer in horses was much higher than in other species. Four samples from horses and pigs were positive for GETV according to RT-PCR. Furthermore, from the serum of a local horse, we isolated GETV which was designated as strain XJ-2019-07, and determined its complete genome sequence. From the phylogenetic relationships, it belongs to the Group III lineage. This is the first evidence of GETV associated to domestic animals in Xinjiang. Overall, GETV is prevalent in Xinjiang and probably has been for several years. Since no vaccine against GETV is available in China, detection and monitoring strategies should be improved in horses and pigs, especially imported and farmed, in order to prevent economic losses.

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    13. Li, Y.Y., Liu, H., Fu, S.H., Li, X.L., Guo, X.F., Li, M.H., Feng, Y., Chen, W.X., Wang, L.H., Lei, W.W., Gao, X.Y., Lv, Z., He, Y., Wang, H.Y., Zhou, H.N., Wang, G.Q., Liang, G.D., 2017. From discovery to spread:the evolution and phylogeny of Getah virus. Infect. Genet. Evol. 55, 48-55.

    14. Li, Y., Fu, S., Guo, X., Li, X., Li, M., Wang, L., Gao, X., Lei, W., Cao, L., Lu, Z., He, Y., Wang, H., Zhou, H., Liang, G., 2019. Serological survey of Getah virus in domestic animals in Yunnan province, China. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis. 19, 59-61.

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    Molecular and serological surveillance of Getah virus in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, 2017–2020

      Corresponding author: Huijun Lu,
      Corresponding author: Ningyi Jin,
    • a College of Veterinary Medicine, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, 712100, China
    • b Changchun Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Changchun, 130000, China
    • c College of Veterinary Medicine, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Wulumuqi, 830052, China
    • d Yili Center of Animal Disease Control and Diagnosis, Yili Animal Health Inspection, Yining, 844500, China

    Abstract: The Getah virus (GETV), a mosquito-borne RNA virus, is widely distributed in Oceania and Asia. GETV is not the only pathogenic to horses, pigs, cattle, foxes and boars, but it can also cause fever in humans. Since its first reported case in Chinese mainland in 2017, the number of GETV-affected provinces has increased to seventeen till now. Therefore, we performed an epidemiologic investigation of GETV in the Xinjiang region, located in northwestern China, during the period of 2017-2020. ELISA was used to analyze 3299 serum samples collected from thoroughbred horse, local horse, sheep, goat, cattle, and pigs, with thoroughbred horse (74.8%), local horse (67.3%), goat (11.7%), sheep (10.0%), cattle (25.1%) and pigs (51.1%) being positive for anti-GETV antibodies. Interestingly, the neutralizing antibody titer in horses was much higher than in other species. Four samples from horses and pigs were positive for GETV according to RT-PCR. Furthermore, from the serum of a local horse, we isolated GETV which was designated as strain XJ-2019-07, and determined its complete genome sequence. From the phylogenetic relationships, it belongs to the Group III lineage. This is the first evidence of GETV associated to domestic animals in Xinjiang. Overall, GETV is prevalent in Xinjiang and probably has been for several years. Since no vaccine against GETV is available in China, detection and monitoring strategies should be improved in horses and pigs, especially imported and farmed, in order to prevent economic losses.

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