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  • 2023 Reviewer Acknowledgment

    With the support of our authors, reviewers, and members of the Editorial & Advisory Board, Virologica Sinica successfully completed the year publishing plan of 2023. The journal holds a current impact factor of 5.5 and a five-year impact factor of 4.9, both of which rank 10th out of 36 in the Virology category, according to the latest Journal Citation Reports 2022. The editors of Virologica Sinica would express our genuine gratitude to the reviewers listed below for their outstanding contributions during the period from November 1, 2022, to October 31, 2023. Your critical and constructive comments to ensure the high scientific quality of our publications are highly appreciated. We look forward to your continued support and guidance.

    Apology is offered to any other reviewer whose name has been inadvertently omitted.

  • 2022 Reviewer Acknowledgment

    In 2022, Virologica Sinica has switched to Open Access mode and published over a hundred high quality articles on the ScienceDirect domain of Elsevier. The goal for faster publishing, greater visibility, and wider connection is achieving. In addition, Virologica Sinica received a record high journal impact factor of 6.947 in 2022, which has made the journal top 10 in the Virology category (2021 Journal Citation Reports®). We cannot make the progress without the support of VS authors, reviewers, readers, and members of the Editorial & Advisory Board.

    The editors of Virologica Sinica want to extend our gratitude and recognition to the following experts who contributed as reviewers between November 1, 2021 and October 31, 2022. Your time and excellent work to ensure the high scientific quality of our publications are highly appreciated. We are looking forward your continued support and guidance.

    Apology is offered to any other reviewer whose name has been inadvertently omitted.

  • 2021 Reviewer Acknowledgment

    With the support of our authors, reviewers, readers, and members of the Editorial & Advisory Board,Virologica Sinica has made steady and remarkable progress in recent years. In 2021, the journal’s impact factor reaches 4.327, and ranks 13/37 in the Virology category, according to the 2020 Journal Citation Reports. In addition to the enhancement of article quality, the publication volume has also made constant growth. A total of 190 articles, including three special issues on Africa swine fever virus, human adenovirus and COVID-19, are compiled in 2021.

    We have another exciting news to share with you that, Virologica Sinica will become a fully open access (OA) journal on 1 January 2022, for a faster publishing, greater visibility, and wider connection. Aiming for a high-profile virology journal, we will continue to serve the scientific community actively and dedicatedly.

    Here, the editors of Virologica Sinica want to extend our gratitude and recognition to the following experts who contributed as reviewers between November 1, 2020 and October 31, 2021. Your efforts greatly improved not only individual manuscripts but the quality of the journal and overall research in the field of viruses. While advancing to open access next year, we are looking forward your continued support and guidance. Apology is offered to any other reviewer whose name has been inadvertently omitted.

  • 2020 Reviewer Acknowledgment

    With the support of our authors, reviewers, readers, and members of the Editorial & Advisory Board, Virologica Sinica made great progress in the year of 2020. Our submissions continue to increase, and the publications have reached the highest record in its history. The impact factor of Virologica Sinica increased to 3.242 (Q2 Quartile in the of Virology category, 2019 Journal Citation Reports), which marks a new phase in the journal’s development. The current coronavirus outbreak is the biggest global challenge in 2020. In combating against the pandemic, Virologica Sinica has published two special issues on COVID-19 and four regular issues of high quality articles, providing a recognized venue for academia to timely present the latest scientific progress. With the great efforts of all international communities of the world to prevent and control this coronavirus, we have confidence, ability and certainty to win the battle against the pandemic.

  • 2019 Reviewer Acknowledgment

    With the support of our authors, reviewers, and members of the Editorial & Advisory Board, Virologica Sinica has become a recognized venue for presenting the cutting-edge research on viruses. The impact factor of Virologica Sinica reaches 2.467 in 2019, and our submissions continue to increase. The editors of Virologica Sinica would like to extend their gratitude to all of the experts who have dedicated their time and expertise to review manuscripts for the journal in 2019 (from December 1, 2018 to October 31, 2019). Your time and excellent work to ensure the high scientific quality are highly appreciated. Apology is offered to any other reviewer whose name has been inadvertently omitted.

  • Acknowledgement to all reviewers for Virologica Sinica in 2018

    In the year of 2018, Virologica Sinica received its first impact factor (2.415), which is an important milestone for our journal and marks an exciting new phase in the journal’s development. We are extremely grateful for the support of our authors, readers, reviewers, and Editorial & Advisory Board members for their significant contributions made to the journal. 

    This year, we have published a series of high quality articles that are creative and interesting, with impact in both the near- and long-term. The editors of Virologica Sinica would like to thank the following experts and referees for reviewing manuscripts in 2018 (from December 1, 2017 to November 30, 2018). Your time and excellent work to ensure the high scientific quality of our publications are highly appreciated. Apology is offered to any other reviewer whose name has been inadvertently omitted.

  • Acknowledgement to all reviewers for Virologica Sinica in 2017

    As reaching the final issue, Virologica Sinica has successfully published two special issues and four regular issues with interesting and informative articles in 2017. The high quality of published articles reflects the significant time and effort dedicated by the peer reviewers, who ensure that the scientific content is at the highest possible standard. In addition to the members of our Editorial Board, Virologica Sinica would like to thank the following individuals for giving their time and expertise to review manuscripts for the journal in 2017 (from December 1, 2016 to November 30, 2017). Your service is both invaluable and greatly appreciated. We hope that you all will continue to support the journal as a reviewer or, better yet, as a contributing author. Apology is offered to any other reviewer whose name has been inadvertently omitted.

  • Acknowledgement to all reviewers for Virologica Sinica in 2016

    With the generous support of authors and reviewers, Virologica Sinica successfully completed the publishing plan of 2016, and has pushed its international influence onto a higher level. The Editors of Virologica Sinica wish to thank our reviewers who had served between December 1, 2015 and November 30, 2016. Your critical and constructive comments are highly appreciated. We look forward to your continued support in the future. Apology is offered to any other reviewer whose name has been inadvertently omitted.

  • Acknowledgement to all reviewers for Virologica Sinica in 2015

    With the effort of all Editorial Board members and reviewers of the Virologica Sinica (VS), the journal got great progress in the year 2015. VS has been newly indexed by SCIE and the yearly download times on Springerlink have reached the highest record in its history.The Editors of the Virologica Sinica would like to thank all the following reviewers for their excellent work for Virologica Sinica in 2015 (from December 1 2014 to December 7 2015). Your invaluable and important works are greatly appreciated. Apology is offered to any other reviewer whose name has been inadvertently omitted.

  • Acknowledgement to all reviewers for Virologica Sinica in 2014

    The performance of Virologica Sincia during the year of 2014 has been excellent. Both article quality and journal impact are largely improved and advanced. This could not be achieved without generous time and insightful comments of our reviewers. The Editors of Virologica Sincia wish to thank all reviewers (December 1, 2013 to November 30, 2014) for your unique contributions to the journal. We look forward to your continuous support either as an invited reviewer or a contributing author in the years to come. Apology is offered to any other reviewer whose name has been inadvertently omitted.

  • Acknowledgement to all reviewers for Virologica Sinica in 2013

    In the fruitful year of 2013, the impact of Virologica Sinica (VS) has been largely extended. The successful publication of VS with high-quality articles is largely benefited from the efforts made by experts listed below, who were committed in managing the editorial process and/or in peer-reviewing. Apology was offered to any reviewer whose name has been inadvertently omitted. The time and expertise of all the experts devoted to Virologica Sinica are greatly appreciated!

  • 分享到:
39卷第4期 (2024年8月)

ISSN 1674-0769

EISSN 1995-820X

CN 42-1760/Q

主编: 石正丽

影响因子: 4.3*


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