. doi: 10.1016/j.virs.2023.02.001
Citation: Zijun Yang, Hao Wang, Shixing Yang, Xiaochun Wang, Quan Shen, Likai Ji, Jian Zeng, Wen Zhang, Haiyan Gong, Tongling Shan. Virome diversity of ticks feeding on domestic mammals in China .VIROLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 38(2) : 208-221.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.virs.2023.02.001


  • 蜱被认为是仅次于蚊子的第二大最常见的病原体载体,.2017年至2018年于河北,河南,湖北,云南,甘肃,陕西,青海,新疆和上海12个省和直辖市采集了640只蜱虫(内含H.longicornis,De.everestianus,Rh.microplus,Rh.turanicus,Rh.sanguineous,and Hy.asiaticum 6大蜱种),采集时间跨度大,地域范围广。寄生蜱虫宿主包括羊、牛、犬、鸡、骆驼等,宿主多样化且具有广泛性与代表性。蜱虫根据采集时间、地点、蜱种分成64组,并构建相应的蜱虫文库,利用MiSeq Illumina平台进行测序,测序数据总量为13.44 G,其中2,437,941条reads被确定为病毒reads。从所有文库中我们发现了27个近乎完整的基因组序列,包括编码整个蛋白质编码区(缺少3'或5'端非编码区)的16个基因组序列和完整的病毒基因组,分布在蜱媒病毒家族(Chuviridae,rhabdovirdae,nairovirdae,phenuivirdae,flavivirdae,Iflaviridae)以及引起哺乳动物甚至人类疾病的细小病毒科和多瘤病毒科。此外,在Chuviridae,Nairoviridae,Flaviviridae,Iflaviridae,Hepeviridae,Parvoviridae和Polyomaviridae中发现的13个病毒序列被确定为已知病毒属中的新病毒种。另外一项流行病学调查显示,蜱媒病毒中两种细小病毒(OVPV4和BVPV2)的流行率较高(9.38%和15.63%)。

Virome diversity of ticks feeding on domestic mammals in China

  • Ticks are considered the second most common pathogen vectors transmitting a broad range of vital human and veterinary viruses. From 2017 to 2018, 640 ticks were collected in eight different provinces in central and western China. Six species were detected, including H.longicornis, De.everestianus, Rh.microplus, Rh.turanicus, Rh.sanguineous, and Hy.asiaticum. Sixty-four viral metagenomic libraries were constructed on the MiSeq Illumina platform, resulting in 13.44 G (5.88×107) of 250-bp-end reads, in which 2,437,941 are viral reads. We found 27 nearly complete genome sequences, including 16 genome sequences encoding entire protein-coding regions (lack of 3' or 5' end non-coding regions) and complete viral genomes, distributed in the arboviral family (Chuviridae, Rhabdoviridae, Nairoviridae, Phenuiviridae, Flaviviridae, Iflaviridae) as well as Parvoviridae and Polyomaviridae that cause disease in mammals and even humans. In addition, 13 virus sequences found in Chuviridae, Nairoviridae, Flaviviridae, Iflaviridae, Hepeviridae, Parvoviridae, and Polyomaviridae were identified as belonging to a new virus species in the identified viral genera. Besides, an epidemiological survey shows a high prevalence (9.38% and 15.63%) of two viruses (Ovine Copiparvovirus and Bovine parvovirus 2) in the tick cohort.

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    Virome diversity of ticks feeding on domestic mammals in China

      Corresponding author: Wen Zhang, z0216wen@yahoo.com
      Corresponding author: Haiyan Gong, gonghaiyan@shvri.ac.cn
      Corresponding author: Tongling Shan, shantongling@shvri.ac.cn
    • a. Shanghai Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai, 200241, China;
    • b. Department of Microbiology, School of Medicine, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, 212013, China;
    • c. Department of Clinical Laboratory, Huai'an Hospital, Xuzhou Medical University, Huai'an, 223002, China;
    • d. Center of Clinical Laboratory, The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou, 215006, China

    Abstract: Ticks are considered the second most common pathogen vectors transmitting a broad range of vital human and veterinary viruses. From 2017 to 2018, 640 ticks were collected in eight different provinces in central and western China. Six species were detected, including H.longicornis, De.everestianus, Rh.microplus, Rh.turanicus, Rh.sanguineous, and Hy.asiaticum. Sixty-four viral metagenomic libraries were constructed on the MiSeq Illumina platform, resulting in 13.44 G (5.88×107) of 250-bp-end reads, in which 2,437,941 are viral reads. We found 27 nearly complete genome sequences, including 16 genome sequences encoding entire protein-coding regions (lack of 3' or 5' end non-coding regions) and complete viral genomes, distributed in the arboviral family (Chuviridae, Rhabdoviridae, Nairoviridae, Phenuiviridae, Flaviviridae, Iflaviridae) as well as Parvoviridae and Polyomaviridae that cause disease in mammals and even humans. In addition, 13 virus sequences found in Chuviridae, Nairoviridae, Flaviviridae, Iflaviridae, Hepeviridae, Parvoviridae, and Polyomaviridae were identified as belonging to a new virus species in the identified viral genera. Besides, an epidemiological survey shows a high prevalence (9.38% and 15.63%) of two viruses (Ovine Copiparvovirus and Bovine parvovirus 2) in the tick cohort.

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